Nobody likes to buy a product only to later realize that the said product does not do the job that it was required to do or that it does the job but not as it was supposed to do it. Our service gets interpreters from all around the world and in different languages. This however means that not all of our interpreters will be suitable for you. Each person will want different things from his or her interpreters and it is impossible to find one who will be able to satisfactorily serve all the clients who make use of our system. This is however one of the greatest advantages of using services such as our video interpreter. Our system is designed to ensure that any of our clients who know what they are looking for will be able to get what they seek all the time.
The first way in which you can make use of our system to ensure that you get what you are looking for is by clearly specifying what requirements your interpreters must fulfill to qualify for the job. When writing down the requirements for a video interpreter, leave no stones unturned. Specify everything that could possibly be required of the interpreter during the job. This is the best way to ensure that you will only get submissions from interpreters who are qualified to do the task. There will be no need for somebody who doesn’t understand French to take a job that requires him to know the language.
The second way in which you can utilize our system to get the right interpreter is to specify the budget. It will never ever be a satisfactory experience for any client unless he or she feels that he or she was not shortchanged on the cost of the service. Putting down your budget is the equivalent of putting down a financial limit. The budget shows what you are willing to work with and nobody will make a submission unless they are absolutely comfortable with the budget that you have proposed. This will prevent financial squabbles at the end of the meeting between you and the video interpreter.
Another thing provided by our system is background information on the interpreter. This includes information on the interpreter’s qualifications and also experience. You can see how previous clients of the same interpreter have rated his work and this will enable you to decide whether he or she is a reliable interpreter or not. You are also encouraged to rate your interpreters for the purposes of their future clients. Just as you depend on the input of previous clients to gage a particular interpreter, other clients also depend on your input to gage whether they should hire your former interpreters.
Using our system, you can also ensure that you get a particular video interpreter. If you have worked with a particular video interpreter in the past and you were satisfied with their work, you may wish to stick with them in the future. Our system enables clients to specify that they wish to work with.